
I’m Massimo Girondi.
I work with modern network technologies and AI “stuff”, trying to maximizing performances and improve the sustainability of applications.
I hold a Licentiate of Engineering from KTH, a “half-way title to a PhD”, where I focused (mainly) on improving networking aspects for GPUs.
Previously, I obtained a Master Degree in Internet Technologies and Architectures with the EIT Digital Master School, a double degree program given by EIT Digital.
This journey led to a degree in Computer Science from KTH, Royal Institute of techology and a degree in Information and Communication Engineering from the University of Trento.
Earlier, I got a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science at the University of Trento and a Technician diploma in Computer Science.
Since I was a child the computer world intrigued me, especially for what there is “under the hood”.
Since December 2022 I am also a licensed Amateur Radio operator, with callsign SA0MSM. I often get out “on the air” from SK0BU.
Do you want to know more about me? Have a look on my Linkedin profile or at my curriculum vitae.
You can contact me through this page or through the main address of the GPG key 0x3FFD509DD05EABD6. Or simpler - MYNAME@THIS_DOMAIN.
Do you want to check some of my previous works? Check my GitHub profile!
This site
This is a simple personal site. When I have time, I post some short posts about what I discover and I think could be useful for someone else.
This site is built with Hugo and with a theme based on hello-friend-ng.
All the content, where is not specified, are given under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 license.
And the cookies?
This site does not use cookies, neither technical nor tracking.
Although, there is a small, privacy-protecting, self-hosted, open-source analytics system, umami. Accordingly to my GDPR understanding, no banner for that is needed. I don’t collect data that can be tracked back to you, no cookie and all the data are (or should?) be anonymized.
Do you have doubts? Drop me a line!
There is also an Italian version!